Thursday, March 13, 2008

Deceptive Reasoning...

Why is it that we are always talking ourselves of out things?

This morning, I stopped by Walgreens on my way to work. All the while, trying to pep myself up for my day at work. My job is not the most exciting job in the world, (being a librarian)but I really do like it. I am a provider of information, and we all know that knowledge is power. Therefore, my access to knowledge produces power in those that I help. However, my mind cannot rationalize not having specific tasks to work on that keep me busy throughout the day. While thinking about this, I found myself coming up with reasons why I may not like parts of my job. This is my problem. Deceptive Reasoning. I am talking myself into having negative thoughts for no good reason at all. No matter, what the benefits are of my position, I manage to find a few "negative aspects."I always find something wrong with a job. This could be why after a certain period of time, I get bored, or feel like I have accomplished everything there is to accomplish.

But, back to the story of my short trip into Walgreens.

I went to pick up some "Wal-born." (Walgreens version of Airborn, which by the way, works just as well. )At 7:30 in the morning most people are still waking up, but the cashier at Walgreens was extremely friendly. She did not look like she was unhappy and did not want to be there. Perhaps she was unhappy, but maybe she was thankful to have a job, and maybe she saw the benefits of working there that outweigh some of the negative. Witnessing her positive attitude made me realize that I have nothing to worry about. Whatever fears and excuses I have about my current position, really are just the causatum of my deceptive reasoning.

Have you ever done this? Talked your way out of your fantasies, dreams and goals. Found the negative despite the positive? We all have done it at one point or another.
Today my challenge is not to let deceptive reasoning hold me back any longer. Our minds contain the soil from which seeds are cultiviated to produce an abundant life. In order for this to happen, our minds have to generate nourishing more deceptive reasoning.

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore is not an act but a habit."